Simple New Testament Christianity

Husbands Wives and Christ

Apr 7, 2024

As the third chapter of 1 Peter opens, the apostle continues to tackle some of the most complex human relationships and turns his eyes to the home.  Peter writes to Christian wives, some of whom were married to unbelieving husbands, in a society where it was unacceptable for a wife to have a different religious faith than her husband. Peter writes to offer the Christian wife a strategy that would enable her to avoid violence, disarm the opposition of her unbelieving husband, and lead him to Christ.

  Whether it be citizens to their government, servants to owners, wives to husbands, husbands to Christ, or Christ to God's perfect will, we are all ultimately in submission to Christ. The word used here for submission is the same one used in a military setting. Soldiers submit to their superiors, giving up their own right or will to establish order rather than chaos. To submit is the voluntary attitude of cooperating, assuming responsibility, and sharing the burden so that our homes and Churches reflect the peace and purpose of Christ.