Nursery & Kids
The kids ministry has a couple of opportunities on Wednesday's. In the nursery, a group of moms and grandparents meet to enjoy each others company and keep after their young children, while the pre-schoolers have a class in the refuge room on the North wall of the main building, and our K - 5th graders have a class in the kids building with some very talented teachers and helpers aiming to show our young people that God is good. They do this by providing lessons that tie into the real world, showing kids how God's imprint can be seen all around us!
The kids ministry has a couple of opportunities on Wednesday's. In the nursery, a group of moms and grandparents meet to enjoy each others company and keep after their young children, while the pre-school through 5th graders have a class in the kids building with some very talented teachers and helpers aiming to show our young people that God is good. They do this by providing lessons that tie into the real world, showing kids how God's imprint can be seen all around us!

Jr. High & High School
The Jr. High class gives students an opportunity to be around each other and make connections over fun activities and games, while providing a sound foundation of teaching and truth. They meet at the end of the hall in the Trekkers room of the main building. The High School youth class is aimed at helping students understand their opportunity to connect with the Creator through Jesus Christ, and how living for Him changes their everyday life. Usually there will be worship or some sort of activity to begin the night This class meets in the fellowship hall.
The Jr. High class gives students an opportunity to be around each other and make connections over fun activities and games, while providing a sound foundation of teaching and truth. They meet at the end of the hall in the Trekkers room of the main building. The High School youth class is aimed at helping students understand their opportunity to connect with the Creator through Jesus Christ, and how living for Him changes their everyday life. Usually there will be worship or some sort of activity to begin the night This class meets in the fellowship hall.

College & Young Adults
Sometimes the big questions are hard to get answers to. That's why many of the classes for our college students and young adults on Wednesdays are lead by our lead minister Jason Corder, where a lesson is ready, but the floor is always open for questions. This discussion style class can be very interesting, and more often than not, is solely based on the questions presented that night by an attendee. They meet in the overflow room on the North side of the main building.
Sometimes the big questions are hard to get answers to. That's why many of the classes for our college students and young adults on Wednesdays are lead by our lead minister Jason Corder, where a lesson is ready, but the floor is always open for questions. This discussion style class can be very interesting, and more often than not, is solely based on the questions presented that night by an attendee. They meet in the overflow room on the North side of the main building.

The adult class usually begins by singing songs together and going over any announcements that are necessary for that evening. Usually lead by Mr. Bruce Runner, many of the classes deal with our approach to the big issues in the world. Bruce aims to encourage a discussion on how to think about some of these big issues, and where we place ourselves when things happen that are out of our control. The adult class meets in the main building auditorium.
The adult class usually begins by singing songs together and going over any announcements that are necessary for that evening. Usually lead by Mr. Bruce Runner, many of the classes deal with our approach to the big issues in the world. Bruce aims to encourage a discussion on how to think about some of these big issues, and where we place ourselves when things happen that are out of our control. The adult class meets in the main building auditorium.