Simple New Testament Christianity

Fatherhood & Marriage

Jun 18, 2023    Jason Corder

Mount Everest, the earth's highest mountain, has two standard routes used by most climbers. Both routes present a number of dangers, including frigid temperatures and hurricane-category high winds not to mention that climbers have a limited number of months in the year to make their attempt and very tight time periods during the day to safely ascend and descend the mountain. It's not surprising that even the most experienced climbers don't try to tackle Mount Everest alone. They hire special guides called "Sherpas." The Sherpas are a unique people who, for generations, have inhabited the Khumbu Valley and have developed a genetic ability to function in very high altitudes. Whereas most people start to have oxygen problems above eight thousand feet, they have an amazing endurance up to about twenty-three thousand feet. Since the Sherpa guides have trekked Everest many times, they are experts when it comes to knowing the weather patterns and the best time to climb.

But these gifted guides can do something else: with their uniquely trained and experienced eyes, they can help those in their care pause and take in the beauty of Mount Everest. This mountain is not all danger, it's a delight as well, with many breathtaking peaks, vistas, and valleys that one can only see from its heights. That's why so many are drawn to it and would risk life and limb to plant their personal flag on its summit.

 Fathers are called by God to be such guides, not only do they help those in their care avoid the dangers of life but they also point to all the good that we encounter every day. They teach others to walk in the way of the ultimate example our Heavenly Father.